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Wing & Kite Coach

5.0 (13 Reviews)
North Fuerteventura
January 30, 1976

My Languages:

Spanish, English, Italian

With calm and patience, I'll help you improve in no time. I'll show you my passion and why I love wind sports.

Me in action

Communication - Exceptional
Patience - Exceptional
Friendliness - Exceptional
Safety awareness - Exceptional
Care of students - Exceptional
Enthusiasm - Exceptional

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My Certificates

  • My Certifications
    IKO - International Kitesurfing Organization (INT), Asociacion Argentina de Kiteboarding (ARG)
  • My Coverage For You
    Liabilities to third parties

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More about me.

Hi, I'm Marco, a passionate wind sport lover from the breathtaking landscapes of Patagonia, Argentina. My love for kitesurfing started 20 years ago took me all the way to Europe, where I discovered wing foiling in the last years and above all, this paradisiac island called Fuerteventura.The incredible waves here captured my heart instantly. Now, I'm excited to share my passion and knowledge with you. If you're looking to master strapless techniques, I'm here to guide you every step of the way. Let's hit the waves and make your wind sport journey unforgettable!"

Kitesuring skills I can teach you:

From Zero to Start Riding, Riding Upwind, Changing Direction, Upwind Turns (Jibes), Heelside to Toeside Transition, Jumping Basics, Controlled Jumps, Pop, Basic Grabs, Downloop Transition, Toeside Riding, Backroll, Frontroll, Unhooked Riding, Unhooked Raley, Kiteloop, S-Bend, Backroll to Toeside, Frontroll to Toeside, Blind Landing, Surface Pass, Backroll Kiteloop, Frontroll Kiteloop, Backroll Hand Drag, Jesus Walk, Darkslide, Megaloop, Handle Pass

Wing Foiling skills I can teach you:

From Zero to Start Riding, Riding Upwind, Tacking (Changing Direction), Jibing, Carving Turns, Foot Switching, Board Control in Waves, Pumping the Wing, Low to High Power Transitions, Luffing the Wing, Accelerating with the Wing, Duck Tack (Switch Stance Jibe)

13 Reviews

13 ratings
5 Star
4 Star
3 Star
2 Star
1 Star
  1. Bianca D
    July 15, 2024

    The best experience of my live !! Marcos is an excellent teacher and person. I highly recommend learning the sport with him.

  2. Cesar G
    July 15, 2024

    (ESP) Una persona que ta da mucha seguridad y con el que se aprende muy rápido. Te aporta muchos conocimientos debido a su dilatada experiencia y realmente te hace engancharte a este deporte.

    (ENG) A person who makes you feel very safe and with whom you learn very quickly. They bring a lot of knowledge due to their extensive experience and truly get you hooked on this sport.

  3. Federico R
    July 15, 2024

    (ESP) Marcos no es sólo un gran instructor sino un muy buen motivador que hace de la experiencia de aprender algo nuevo un desafío muy grato.

    (ENG) Marcos is not only a great instructor but also an excellent motivator, making the experience of learning something new a very pleasant challenge.

  4. Fran G
    July 15, 2024

    Marco is the best kite instructor I have ever met, he helped me a lot in improving my jumps and taught me how to kite with the surfboard and catch waves with the strapless.

  5. Gabriela A
    July 15, 2024

    (ITA) Ho avuto la magnifica esperienza d’imparare a “volare” sul oceano Atlantico in mezzo alle Isole Canarie grazie a Marco! La esperienza molto positiva risiede principalmente nel fatto che Marco è un maestro con moltissimi anni d’esperienza e quello si vede sia in tutte le misure di sicurezza che lui sa prendere sia nella fiducia che con molta pazienza ed empatia lui riesce a trasmettere Consiglio vivamente questa esperienza che no solo è ricca a livello di tecnica sennò anche a livello personale giacché è una persona squisita 

    (ENG) I’m glad you had the magnificent experience of “flying” over the Atlantic Ocean amidst the Canary Islands with Marco! The highly positive experience primarily stems from Marco’s extensive years of experience, evident in his meticulous safety measures and his ability to instill confidence with patience and empathy. I highly recommend this experience not only for its technical richness but also for the personal enrichment, as Marco is an exceptional person.

  6. José E
    July 15, 2024

    (ESP) La paciencia, la pedagogía y el buen humor

    (ESP) Patience, pedagogy, and good humor

  7. Lisandro H
    July 15, 2024

    (ESP) Siempre eh tenido experiencias muy satisfactorias con Marco como instructor, por su estilo de enseñanza , su conocimiento y experiencia sobre el Kitesurf en todas sus modalidades, y por su cordial relación con sus alumnos. Super recomendable!! 😎

    (ENG) I’ve always had very satisfying experiences with Marco as an instructor, due to his teaching style, his knowledge and experience in all modalities of kitesurfing, and his friendly relationship with his students. Highly recommended!! 😎

  8. Luca A
    July 15, 2024

    (ITA) Il kitesurf e’ uno spoet estremo, e quindi anche pwricoloso: Marco e’ estremamente scrupoloso affinche’ tutte le regole di sicurezza siano seguite.

    (ENG) Kitesurfing is an extreme sport and therefore also dangerous. Marco is extremely meticulous to ensure that all safety rules are followed.

  9. Marco C
    July 15, 2024

    The best instructor!

  10. Ruben S
    July 15, 2024

    I’ve learned a lot, thanks to Marcos. He makes it a very safe and fun sport.

  11. Stefania D
    July 15, 2024

    (ESP) Las clases de Marco me encantan porque son muy centradas en la persona – se va adaptando en base al nivel de aprendizaje del estudiante. Encima sus explicaciones son muy detalladas y claras.

    (ENG) Marco’s classes are great because they are very personalized – he adapts them based on the student’s learning level. Moreover, his explanations are very detailed and clear.

  12. Wiebke W
    July 15, 2024

    Marco is great and very engaged that his students learn something in his session. He is always making and extra afford and tries to quickly adapt to the students skill level. Can recommend him very much!

  13. Yamil A
    July 15, 2024

    (ESP) Marco fue muy atento en cuanto a la seguridad y a darme consejos desde el primer momento para hacer de la experiencia algo inolvidable.

    (ENG) Marco was very attentive to safety and gave me advice from the first moment to make the experience unforgettable.

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